Oil Pulling: The Ancient Practice of Today
Ok, so the first time a heard about oil pulling I though the logic and practice was completely crazy! Swishing coconut oil in my mouth first thing in the morning for 10- 20 minutes; no way and no thanks!
As I continued my research, I was fascinated by the history and health benefits associated with this ancient practice. Oil pulling originates back over 3,000 years as a traditional Indian system of oral hygiene known as Ayurvedic medicine.

Why is it called oil pulling? The premise behind the practice involves the thought that toxins within the body are being “pulled” from the mouth, leaving the mouth and gums cleaner, which in turn supports oral health and the immune system. For thousands of years, this practice replaced tooth brushing, flossing, and mouth wash. Today, the practice has gained popularity as individuals are moving toward choosing a more holistic and all natural lifestyle.
I personally choose to use coconut oil for oil pulling. First, coconut oil has a TON of uses, so you’re getting more bang for your buck by using a highly versatile oil. Second, Coconut oil is effective in attacking streptococcus mutans bacteria, which causes cavities and high in lauric aid, which contains anti-microbial agents. Third, coconut oil is essentially tasteless, so I choose to infuse my oil pulling pods with Young Living essential oils for added flavor and overall support of my body.

1 Cup Coconut Oil
4 drops Young Living Thieves essential oil
4 drops Young Living Peppermint essential oil
You will also need a mold for your oil pods. I found mine at Marshalls in the ice cube section.
Melt your coconut oil in a microwave oven until melted in a glass bowl. Remove from microwave and add 4 drops Young Living Thieves essential oil and 4 drops Young Living Peppermint essential oil. Pour your oil mixture into small molds. Place in refrigerator to cool and harden. Pop out oil pulling pods from molds. I store my oil pods in a glass mason jar in the refrigerator.

My oil pulling routine:
When you wake up in the morning, take one oil pulling pod and put into your mouth (ensure you oil pull before you eat or brush your teeth)
Gently swish the oil in your mouth for 10-20 minutes (the oil tablet will melt once inserted in your mouth. Also, I know 20 minutes sounds like a long time, so start with 5 minutes and work your way up). I usually oil pull while I take a shower, just remember no spitting out the oil in your tub drain either!
Spit the oil into a trash can (do not spit your oil into a sink or swallow)
Rinse your mouth with warm water and resume your regular oral hygiene routine
Typically, I practice oil pulling 3-4 time a week, but you are free to do more!
Please keep in mind that your health is completely in your control and I encourage you to make your own conclusions and research involving oil pulling. I am in no way a medical professional, nor do I claim to be. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products listed in this blog are not intended to cure, diagnose, or treat any disease or condition. Always consult your healthcare provider before beginning a new healthcare regiment.